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Sumter Soccer Club

Tryout/Evaluation Questions

What are Club Evaluations/Tryouts?
To help evaluate players and form teams of similar skill levels the club is required to evaluate all players in the Academy and Select Levels.  Typically, the club holds evaluations/tryouts in May for the upcoming year.  If roster spots are still available after that then other players can be individually evaluated and added to a team at a later date.  The club also usually has a mid-year evaluation/tryout in early January to fill any open roster spots for the spring season of dual season teams.  All effort will be made to find teams for all that want to play, however sometimes we have more players than we have teams.  In that case players may be cut or asked to play in our recreation program where they may be able to play as guest players on a team for tournaments or other games.  Each player will be evaluated by at least two different coaches over the course of  two evenings of evaluation.  All evaluations are done by number and coaches doing the evaluations are not given the player’s names.  Players will be evaluated on things like coachability, technical skills and physical ability.

When are Club Evaluations/Tryouts Held?
Each May the club holds open evaluations for all wanting to play in the upcoming season.  After the initial evaluation and registration process, if there are still roster spots available other can be evaluated individually and added later.  For the younger age groups the club will hold a second open evaluation and registration in early January if there are any roster spots available.

Is There a Cost to Tryout or Be Evaluated?
There is no cost to participate in the evaluation process.

Tryouts/Evaluations, What Do I need to Bring?
Bring a good attitude, a ball, shin guards, cleats and water or a sports beverage to stay hydrated.

Do I Need to Bring My Child's Birth Certificate to Tryouts/Evaluations?
No, once accepted to a team you will need to provide a birth certificate, photo and other documents if born outside the United States, but DO NOT bring them to the evaluations.

Does Every Child That Comes to Tryouts/Evaluations Make a Team?
Every effort will be made to find a spot for each player to participate.  However, on some occasions there may not be a team available and some players may not have a spot.  In the younger groups if this happens the player will be encouraged to join the club’s recreation level program so that they can further develop their skills.  In so doing they would also be eligible to possibly guest play with a team in their age group on a limited basis or play in a tournament with other recreation level players.

Does My Child Need to Tryout?
Yes, the club is required to evaluate all players wanting to play on one of the clubs Academy or Select teams.  You are required to go through the process even if your child played for the club before.

How Do Evaluations Work?
Evaluations are held in Sumter and each of the satellite cities.  They are held over two days for the Academy and Select level teams.  In some of the satellite team cities to streamline things sometimes it is combined into a longer one-day session, but we like to have two days to give each player a second chance if they have a bad day.  Each player is assigned a number and they must wear it at all times both days.   This number is used to track them thorough to process.  Evaluators are not given the names that go with each number.  The results are published by this number so make sure you remember what it is even after you leave.  Each day the coaches will run the players through a series of drills to help them evaluate the players coachability, behavior, technical skill level, and physical skill.  They will be given a number for each category.  The coaches in a particular age group will also rank the players from top to bottom and give notes on their reasoning.  All of these numbers are then tabulated and a final ranking is given to each.  From there the teams are made.  In the case when an age group has multiple teams team assignment is based on these scores.   Again, every effort is made to find players a team to play on, but in the case there are not enough spots these scores are used to decided who is on what team.  It is not until after the teams are formed that the names are put with the number and the coaches are given their team to contact.

What are Coaches Looking for During the Evaluations?
Coaches are looking for coachability, behavior, technical skills, and physical abilities.

Do Returning Players Get Preference in the Evaluations?
No.  All players must complete the evaluation process each year.  Returning players are NOT guaranteed spots and will be evaluated using the same standard as all the others.

Are Parents Required to Attend Evaluations?
Parents are encouraged to attend.  Typically, there is a parent’s meeting to let people know about the process, the club, the commitment and to answer any questions they may have.  However, the parents are not required to attend.

Who Will Be Evaluating My Child?
Each child will be evaluated by at least two different licensed coaches.

My Child Was on a Team Last Year.  Do They Need to Tryout/Be Evaluated Again This Year?
As mentioned previously, all players must be evaluated each year.

Can I Choose Which Age Group My Child Tries Out For?
No, but you can make your wishes known.  Players must be evaluated in their age appropriate group the first day.  If they excel in that age group the Director of Coaching, at his discretion, can allow them to participate with the older group on the second day.

My Child Cannot Make Both Nights of Evaluations?  Can They Still Participate?
Yes, we realize there are unavoidable conflicts that do arise.  Please note such when you register and let the club personal know when you check in.  It is preferred that all players come to both nights as it helps reduce the chance of the child having a bad night and allows more coaches to evaluate things to hopefully get a better feel of where your player needs to be. 

Can My Daughter Tryout for a Boys Team?
Yes.  Some of our better players on the boys teams are actually girls.  The club tries to form age and gender appropriate teams whenever possible, but in some cases we either do not have enough for a girls only team or players are needed to fill out a boys team.

Are the Coaches Licensed?  Have Background Checks?
All coaches in our Academy and Select programs are required to be licensed coaches and everyone directly involved with the club is required to undergo a background check.  All coaches at each level have at least an age appropriate Grassroots License or National D License.  In the clubs commitment to excellent you will find most of the clubs coaches have at least their D license or higher and are constantly looking for ways to get better.

How Will the Evaluation Results Be Communicated?
Once the teams are settled and coaches are assigned you will receive a call or email from your team’s coach.  The email will have details about how to complete the registration process and pay your club fees for the year.  

I Have Been Notified My Child Made a Team.  What Next?
You will receive and email from the teams coach with details about how to proceed.  You will first need to go in and accept your team assignment.  As part of this you will pay your initial down payment of club fees and make arrangements to pay the remaining balance if needed.  If you are new to the club, you will also need to upload your child’s birth certificate and a headshot photo of your child.  They cannot be wearing glasses or hats.  You can crop the photo once it is uploaded as needed, but their face must be clearly seen.  From there your team coach will let you know when practice starts and give you more details as needed.  If this is your child’s first time playing and they were born outside the United States you may be asked to complete some additional FIFA required paperwork.

I Got Notice My Child Made a Team, But the Coach Has not called.
While all effort is made to have coaches assigned for each team in all the age groups sometimes due to unexpected numbers or registration commitments that may not be possible.  Be patient.  Follow the instructions in the email about completing your registration and accepting your team assignment.  If you are concerned please feel free to contact us, but you will be contacted as soon as a coach is assigned. 


Sumter Soccer Club

P.O.Box 2876 
Sumter, South Carolina 29150

Email: [email protected]

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