Website Manager

Sumter Soccer Club

Our Board

Please feel free to contact a Sumter Soccer Club (SSC) board member listed below.

Matt Ayres, President - [email protected]
The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Club and shall be responsible for the general management and superintendence of the affairs of the Club. The President shall preside at all meetings of SSC. They shall appoint committees, establish monthly agendas, call meetings, conduct and supervise the business of SSC. The president shall be authorized to sign all checks and official papers for the Board of directors of SSC. 

2022/23 Focus Areas: 

  • The President will focus on efforts to expand Club membership primarily focused on Junior’s participation
  • The President will also engage other SC Soccer Clubs (based on proximity) to attempt to expand cooperation to build toward more advanced participation options for more advanced and older players
  • The President will continue and expand the SSC’s relationship with the Pink House Ownership
  • Engage Sumter Community,  These efforts are closely related to Expanding Club Membership but also includes partnerships and community engagement activities
  • The President will actively engage all SSC Board members to ensure all points of view are heard and actioned (as required).
  • The President will coordinate SSC Board Member activities to ensure the SSC Board acts in unison.
  • The President will be the primary back-up for the Juniors Program. 

Trey Hill, Vice-President - [email protected]
In case of absence or disqualification of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the President.  The Vice-President shall otherwise assist the President as required.  The Vice-President shall act as Tournament Director.

2022/23 Focus Areas: 

  • The Vice President will direct and coordinate all planning and activities as required for the Juniors Program.
  • The Vice President will coordinate with the SSC Board concerning third party (Coerver) participation and performance.

Joe Disher, Director of  Coaching and Player Development - [email protected] 
The key function of the Director of Coaching are as follows.

  • Establish on field tactical philosophy for club.
  • Responsible for selection of head and assistant coaches.
  • Responsible for management of coaching staff.
  • Establish policies for player participation within the club structure.
  • Provide guidance for member coaches (mentoring, instruction, direction) 

Justin Brown, Registrar [email protected]
The Registrar shall maintain the registration system for all programs offered by SSC in compliance with all SCYS rules and regulations.  The Registrar shall manage eligibility and compliance for all SSC teams, players and coaches.  The Registrar shall be responsible for providing the Treasurer with an accurate count of all registered players in a timely manner.  The Registrar shall be responsible for the SSC meeting all registration deadlines set by the South Carolina Youth Soccer (SCYS).  The Registrar shall maintain the SSC webpage and make adjustments as required to it's content.

Dow Koty, Uniform Coordinator[email protected]
The Uniform Coordinator shall assist the Registrar with the Registrar duties and be responsible for coordinating player uniforms for SSC.

Brenda Krivejko, Treasurer - [email protected]
The Treasurer shall collect all dues, fees and assessments and have charge of all SSC moneys.  The Treasurer shall keep detailed accounting of all income and expenditures and submit a written report at each meeting.  The Treasurer shall be authorized to sign checks drawn on the SSC bank account and be responsible for the prompt payment of all SSC expenses.

Amy Engle , Secretary - [email protected]
The Secretary shall be responsible for the recording and preparing of the minutes of all meetings of the SSC.  The Secretary shall provide timely notification to the members of the SSC regarding matters of particular interest.

2022/23 Focus Areas: 

  • The Secretary will work to ensure SSC communications are timely and effective.
  • The Secretary will evaluate the SSC website and social media platforms and optimize their content for efficient communication and sponsorship support.
  • The Secretary will develop and codify the SSC communication schedule to ensure the SSC registration, try-outs, game results, open positions, etc are communicated over as wide an audience as possible with multiple, repetitive advertisements/announcements for upcoming SSC events.

Lisa Wilmes, Member-At-Large - [email protected]
The Member-at-Large shall provide timely notification to the Parents Representative/Team Manager and members of the SSC regarding matters of particular interest. The Member-at-Large shall perform other responsibilities as assigned by the Board of Directors or The President

2022/23 Focus Areas: 

  • The MAL will engage other SSC Board members to determine what relationships exist that will increase club sponsorship
  • The MAL will coordinate sponsorship activities across all SSC Board members to optimize opportunities
  • The MAL will develop and direct sponsor recognition activities including emails, social media focus, signs, etc.

Open, Club Merchandise Coordinator - [email protected]
The Club Merchandise Coordinator is responsible for handling the purchase and distribution of all club merchandise for SSC.

Team Managers
The team manager will serve as the central point of contact for all parent/legal guardians.  The team manager will insure the parents are notified of upcoming events, games and meetings and that their concerns are voiced as required.

Gerald Eichelberger II, Technical Support & Webmaster - [email protected]
The Webmaster shall be responsible for the website and other technical duties for SSC.

Updated on 12/19/2022


Sumter Soccer Club

P.O.Box 2876 
Sumter, South Carolina 29150

Email: [email protected]

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